World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day

This day was established in 1998 to promote attention and respect for others, the courtesy of small gestures, patience, care, listening to the needs of others without forgetting one’s own.

And, given the way the world is going today, reaffirming the value of kindness is more necessary than ever for the beauty of our daily relationships and for building bridges between people, genders, cultures and religions.

Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition
through which to pacify differences.

KINDNESS is a calming flower, LET’S CULTIVATE IT!


The World Kindness Movement, born in Japan, has spread year after year to every continent. It arrived in Italy in 2000 – – and adopted a motto taken from a Baglioni song: kindness is revolutionary.

A revolution within the reach of adults and children… to disarm adults and children… from generation to generation.


American psychologist Wayne W. Dyer suggests:

“when given the choice of being right or being nice,
choose to be nice”.