Sister Joan participates for the first time in the 22nd UISG Assembly
From 2 to 6 May, 700 sisters – from 71 different nations – of the more than 1900 religious who make up the International Union of Superiors General, will gather in Assembly to reflect on the theme “Embracing vulnerability in the synodal journey” using five key words:
- vulnerability,
- synodal process,
- religious life and synodality,
- peripheries,
- call for transformation
Today, at the general audience, Pope Francis, following the outline of the speech prepared for the occasion (https://press.vatican.va), proposed two references to the Gospel: “the first is when Jesus washes Peter’s feet at the Last Supper” […] and invited “to live your authority as service”.
The second reference emphasises the theme of vulnerability and ‘has as its protagonist Mary Magdalene […] The evangelists show her to us as a woman who experienced great liberation in her encounter with Jesus (cf. Lk 8:2) […] putting her transformed fragility at the service of the proclamation’.
Pope Francis’ wish for the Superior Generals also speaks volumes to all of us Good Shepherds engaged in the process of radical transformation born of Chapter 31.
“In the light of these two disciples of Jesus, Peter and Mary Magdalene, contemplate and let Jesus look at you and transform you, and in the same way you will be able to put yourselves at the service of humanity. From their frailty, freed from the spirits that disturb them, they will be able to lighten their step for a hopeful proclamation of the Gospel”.