![“THE MORE EMPTY SPACE IS, THE MORE THE WIND CAN CIRCULATE.](https://www.missiongoodshepherd.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/1-pentecoste.jpg)
And if the present moment knows difficulties, and rain and weeping scatter petals and stain the earth, let us remain in the shelter of this breath, certain that - as in the first night of creation - something is already emerging from the darkness: light!"
(Don Paolo Squizzato)
"...The coming of the Spirit at Pentecost recalls the wonders of the exodus" (cf. Ex 19:3-20): the wind, impregnable and unpredictable, and the fire that invests and transforms are the symbols that express the disruptive force, the openness that the gift of Easter generates in the first community of Jerusalem.
And an opposite path to that of Babel is implemented:
There the claim of having one tower and imposing one language,
There the claim of a single domain
There the power of some,
It is a gift of the Spirit for all the peoples of the earth, to discover the possibility of a new history and God’s dream of reconciliation. In this way, God’s project at Babel is fulfilled, that path of bringing together in exchange the diversities to be recognized and welcomed. The gift of the Spirit generates a new life, a life not according to selfishness and domination but a life that seeks to realize “…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-giving.”
This is the ‘law of the Spirit’: these are the fruits of the Spirit. It is a matter of journey, says Paul. To accept the Spirit is to be in the power (dynamis) of the Spirit and to ‘walk according to the Spirit’. It is a ‘walk’ in daily life and is expressed in ‘fruits’ in life and history, to be recognized, valued, and welcomed. ” ( Father Alessandro Cortesi op)