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Our History Charism
The source of our Charism is the mercy of the Father who sent his Son to bring the good news to the poor, to free the oppressed, to heal those who are broken hearted, to seek and save those who are lost.
According to Saint Mary Euphrasia, God’s merciful love for each one of us finds its best expression in the character of the Good Shepherd.
I am the Good Shepherd: I give my life for my sheep

“My dear daughters, Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd is the authentic model that we must strive to imitate and tend to incarnate in our lives. You will not do any good, my dear daughters, nor will you have the spirit of our vocation, unless except when you have the thoughts, feelings and affections of the Good Shepherd, whose living images you must be among your beloved flocks.“
The original intuition is still the same: a human heart that has vibrated with the Heart of God and let itself be shaped in the image of this Heart made visible in Jesus; a heart that has been touched by compassion in the encounter with the sorrows of women in particular, and that has committed itself to promoting life following the example of Mary, Mother of Mercy. Today as yesterday, in response to the needs of vulnerable women, this essence of the charism can nourish more women who feel called to restore other women in their dignity, to allow them to grow towards a fuller life”