Vocational Pathways Continuing Formation of Sisters and Lay Mission Partners
To have vocations, we must pray, listen to the young people and set them in motion.
To look with realism and hope at reality, in search of new paths, starting from existing positive experiences, in collaboration with the local Church, inter-congregational projects, promotion of the Good Shepherd’s Associates, Friends and Companions.
It depends on the eloquence of your lives, lives which radiate the joy and beauty of living the Gospel and following Christ
Main objectives of the Italy-Malta Continuing Formation Programme:

These objectives are achieved with the collaboration of local communities and through
Continuing Formation of Sisters and Lay:


(see Strategic Plan Documentation 2017-2022, November 2018 Assembly)
To be holy does not require being a bishop, a priest or a religious. We are frequently tempted to think that holiness is only for those who can withdraw from ordinary affairs to spend much time in prayer. That is not the case. We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness to love in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves.