#CambiamoAria in respect of the dignity of all human beings

#CambiamoAria in respect of the dignity of all human beings

On 2 October, the director of the Good Shepherd International Foundation, Cristina Duranti, will take part in the round table on renewable energies, environment and human rights, as part of the #CambiamoAria initiative on the themes of #sustainability and #environment organised by UNICEF Italy in partnership with IAIA Italy, at Palazzo Clerici in Milan.

Cristina Duranti will talk about the Foundation’s programme in Congo in artisanal mining communities for the elimination of child labour and human rights violations in the cobalt supply chain for electric batteries.

Because we can and must change the air,
but with respect for the dignity of all human beings.

Sarà possibile seguire l’evento in streaming sul canale YouTube di Unicef Italia.