Protection of Creation at the centre of the paths of spirituality and interreligious dialogue at Domus Nostra in Quinto di Treviso
Sisters, laywomen and children guests gather around the Burning Brazier. In tune with Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ and the Congregation’s Position on Integral Ecology.
The Lit Braziers promoted by the Domus Nostra Spirituality Commission resumed in October.
This year’s programme is dedicated to themes dear to Pope Francis, which in September in Kazakhstan were at the centre of the inter-religious meeting “VIIth Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions” and which are the heritage of all humanity, as recalled by the Kazakh poet, Muslim, Abai Kunanbaev, who was repeatedly quoted by the Pope.

“What is the beauty of life, if one does not go deep?”
(Poetry, 1898)

Foto:alcuni momenti dell’incontro

Foto:il contributo dei bambini
During the first lit Brazier meeting, the four global challenges, which emerged in Kazakhstan, to which believers of all religious traditions are called, were shared. Among these challenges, the one concerning the CUSTODY OF THE COMMON HOUSE will characterise the next spirituality meetings and some Continuing Formation courses, through films, readings, images, poems and reflections.
"What a wonderful world the Creator has given us!
He has given us his light
with magnanimity and generosity.
When the earth-mother nourished us at her breast,
our heavenly Father
with care inclined upon us".
(Abai, from the poem "Spring")
"Praise be to you, O my Lord, for all creatures, and especially for Brother Sun, who brings the day that enlightens us and is beautiful and radiant with great splendour: of you, Most High, he bears the signifying"
(Saint Francis, from the Canticle of Creatures)
In the next monthly meetings, narratives of witnesses of denunciation and commitment to the care of Creation will find space, also starting with the docufilm “The Letter. The Pope, the Environmental Crisis and Leaders on the Front Line”.

The images of ‘The Letter’ go straight to the heart and inspire our commitment to climate justice. In the documentary we find four voices from Senegal, Amazonia, India and Hawaii, invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope, to whom they bring the perspective and solutions of the poor, indigenous people, youth and nature.
This documentary follows their journey to Rome and the extraordinary experiences that took place there, and is full of moving personal stories and the latest information on the planetary crisis and the problems faced by nature and people.