This is the wish from the General Leadership Team to all of us: “a new heaven and a new earth are still within our reach!”
[…] “A slight shift, a gracious movement; at first tentative, but the conviction to pass through the fog of despair is born in our hearts that beat to the rhythm of creation and our Creator.”
[…] Is this not also the call for us today, in the midst of this darkness? To trust in God, to act courageously, to protect what is precious to us at this moment in history of our congregation, of the Church, of the world? Yearning for a new life, life itself opens its wings, takes flight – it calls us to be Love, to embrace all; to widen the spaces in the tents of our lives, in the tents of our homes, in the tents of our communities and of our ministries, where we can experience friendship, inclusion, justice, mercy and compassion.
May Love, yes, this Love, radiate into our hearts, shed light into the darkness
surrounding and illuminate our homes and the world this Christmas, bringing to all a
everyone sweet joy, precious peace and long-awaited hope.
We wish you all a Christmas and New Year full of grace!