We welcome the cry of pain of the Sisters on mission in Sudan
“The situation is beyond description. Put Sudan in your prayers’. This heartfelt appeal was published in the May issue of the Congregation’s new Breaking News Bulletin in reference to the armed clashes that have erupted since 15 April in the Sudanese capital due to deep divisions within the military and paramilitary apparatus, resulting in a coup attempt by the Rapid Support Forces (Rsf), which in turn blamed the regular army (Saf) for wanting to continue to rule with the military junta in power. So far no sign of possible talks in Juba between the leaders, who accuse each other.
The risk for a pivot country like Sudan is that of a further division of the country between the two military contenders through their respective control of territorial blocks. The absence of political stability also opens the door to the proliferation of terrorism, criminal organisations, exploitation of natural resources and ongoing human rights violations.
Our Sisters describe the situation as follows:

The knots in Sudan come from far away, let us try to untie them with our prayers with Radio Maria’s novena to Mary who unties knots.