Together with the Council of our Southern Europe Region, we rejoice
The beginning of Sr. Fatima’s mandate as head of the Southern Europe Region, and its Councils, Apostolic and Contemplative, coincided with the day we celebrate the Nativity of Mary and the birth of Blessed Mary Droste.

"May God's will be our strength and its fulfilment our joy".
Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart
The work of the new Regional Leadership will be concluded on 26 September, let us accompany it with our prayers, through the Prayer of Blessed Mary Droste to invoke her blessing also on all the people who care about the Mission of the Good Shepherd and who are in suffering or sickness.
Prayer for the canonization of Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart
Blessed Maria of the Divine Heart
who war entrusted with the mission of petitioning thr Sovereign Pontiff
for the consecration of the whole human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
intercede for us and obtain for us the grace that we ask of you
for the health of all loved ones who care about the Good Shepherd Mission,
the forgiveness of our sins
and an ever-increasing and perfect love for the Divine Heart o so that,
we deserve to enjoy God with you for all etenity.