We support aid projects promoted by sisters in crisis-ridden Sri Lanka
The country is in chaos, the president on the run, his residence in the capital Colombo stormed by thousands of protesters exhausted by months of suffering: there is a shortage of petrol, medicine, electricity, but above all food. According to the UN, about 80% of the population is now forced to skip meals. The country has run out of foreign currency and cannot afford to buy basic necessities.

Photo: www.vaticannews.va.
Sri Lanka’s economic crisis comes from afar: the Easter bombings of 2019, the outbreak of the pandemic the following year, and now the conflict that has sent energy and grain prices soaring.
In this dramatic situation, the whole Congregation draws with gratitude and admiration around the Sri Lankan sisters who have “courageously and peacefully witnessed the violation of the rights of your people, especially the most marginalised, hoping and praying for the restoration of their rights. Know that we are very close to you in prayer and solidarity. We hold you all in God’s love and security – your families, your mission partners and their families, programme participants and their families, and all Sri Lankans” (Source: Congregation Bulletin).
We respond with generosity to the appeal of Sister Maryanne Perera, Head of the Sri Lanka/Pakistan Province, who together with the sisters has “started to help, on a small scale, those in the most affected areas to meet their daily needs” and wants to carry out the following actions:
- Provide dry rations, i.e. rice and lentils, to poor and needy families for the next six months.
- Provide educational infrastructure and school supplies to children who do not go to school because of the fuel crisis.
- Helping those who have lost their jobs to start self-employment projects. Provide seeds, seedlings and water facilities to those who have land to cultivate.
All those who wish to support these initiatives in Sri Lanka can send a contribution to:
Generalate Sisters of NS Signora della Carità Buon Pastore
Via Raffaello Sardiello 20, 00165 Rome Italy
Popular Bank of Sondrio
Rome Branch – Agency N. 7 Aurelio, Via Baldo degli Ubaldi 267
00167 Rome Italy
IBAN: EN 29 M 05696 03207 000007776X23